[nsp] NPE-G1 under 12.0S

Gert Doering gert at greenie.muc.de
Fri Jul 11 23:03:31 EDT 2003


On Fri, Jul 11, 2003 at 12:51:26PM -0400, Temkin, David wrote:
> Does anyone know if the NPE-G1 is supported under 12.0S?  Software toolkit
> says no, 

It isn't.  I accidentially booted ours in 12.0S, and it crashes
immediately at startup (some problems in setting up CPU registers, memory
tables, whatever - interesting and scary error message).

> but I find this kind of hard to believe...

Well, the NPE-G1 is much better supported than some of the new Cat6500
blade combinations (that have *no* IOS version that support certain
combinations).  So we should be glad that there is an IOS for it at all.

(Yes, this is a mild rant.  IOS 12.0S/12.2S feature and hardware support
is *so* disorganized, it's really hard to believe.  Why on earth is there
support for IPv6 in 12.0S for GSR, but not for 7200 and 7500?  Why is
there no support for GSR at all in 12.2S?  Why is OSPFv3 missing from
12.2(14)S?  And so on.  I bet someone is paid to actually plan this, to 
make sure all those "Cisco Certified IOS Version experts" (CCIVE) are 
worth their salary...)

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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                             gert at greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025                        gert at net.informatik.tu-muenchen.de

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