[nsp] Command line and arrow keys don't work properly when using SSH2

Matti Saarinen mjs at cc.tut.fi
Fri Jul 25 12:34:28 EDT 2003

I noticed that when I connect to routers with SSH2 the cli response to
arrow keys is very slow. Sometimes it seems to be non-existent with
which I mean I see no change on the terminal after I've pressed the
up-arrow but when I hit enter the router executes different command
than what I saw on the display. The command it executes appears on the
screen after I've hit the enter. I've seen this problem with Cat6509s
using 12.1(19)E1 (native and hybrid), Cat4006s using 12.1(19)EW and
7206s using 12.1(19)E1.

If I use CTRL-keystrokes (CTRL-F, CTRL-P and CTRL-B) everything works

I'm connecting to the router from a computer running Solaris with
non-commercial SSH version 3.2.3.

- Matti -

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