[nsp] Booting an MSFC from sup-slot0:

Matti Saarinen mjs at cc.tut.fi
Tue May 20 15:17:13 EDT 2003

Brian <signal at shreve.net> writes:

> I am working on a 6509 with dual Sup1A's and MSFC's. I am running
> into some problems. I am trying to have the MSFC boot the bootldr
> image from bootflash:, but have the regular IOS image come from
> sup-slot0:.

     I've also had difficulties in booting 6509's MSFC from sup-slot0.
     Actually, I've managed to do it once but never again. I think it
     is not really supported way of doing things. Even Cisco seems to

When running Hybrid mode with CatOS on the Supervisor, you may choose
to boot the MSFC by loading an image in the Supervisor's slot0 PCMCIA
card slot. The Flash device is referred to as sup-slot0 in your boot
system statement. Although such a booting process is supported, it is
not recommended and should be used only as a temporary step...

(quoted from
http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/switches/ps700/products_tech_note09186a00801347e2.shtml )

     I assume there are still some issues about the slot0 not being
     yet fully initialised by the CatOS when MSFC tries to boot. Eves
     though to bug is marked as fixed. I base my assumption on the
     fact that I'm able to copy files from sup-slot0 MSFC's bootflash
     when the switch has booted up.

> Could it be that "boot sup-slot0:<image_name>" is really the correct
> format, and that is why it wasn't working for me all along? There
> are multiple documents on cisco that show both formats.

     It would be really strange if this would be the correct sytax.
     I've been once successful in booting the MSFC from slot0 and I
     used the config boot system flash sup-slot0:xyz. It worked once.
     After the second reload it didn't work anymore. Therefore I
     suggest that don't try booting MSFC from sup-slot0. 


- Matti -

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