[nsp] E1 channel group timeslot error: %Insufficient resources to create channel group

sthaug at nethelp.no sthaug at nethelp.no
Wed Oct 1 10:20:09 EDT 2003

> > According to a data sheet on that card, it supports up to 128 usable Nx64k
> > channels per card.  If you're doing lots of subrate circuits, such as 64k
> > circuits into a channelized E1, it's possible to hit that limit before the
> > card is fully populated.
> Actually I have  reached 128 channel groups on this PA. 
> Is this a software feature that can changed or I have get another PA-MC-8E1?

You have to get another PA-MC-8E1.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug at nethelp.no

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