[nsp] Frame Relay PVC/T1 interface autoconfiguration

Matthew Crocker matthew at crocker.com
Wed Oct 8 10:37:42 EDT 2003

Is there a way on my Cisco 7513s (IOS 12.0.x) to auto create interfaces 
for Frame Relay PVCs and Serial T1s by hitting a RADIUS server?  I know 
I can do it on my Redback SMS but I don't know how to do it on the 
CIsco.  It would be nice, for example to have the cisco do a RADIUS 
call once per day for each PVC it sees on its frame connections.  The 
RADIUS information would contain IP, route and ACL information.   It 
would be really nice if the router could also pull down the ACL if 
unknown.  I am trying to get all of our provisioning data into LDAP for 
billing and this is one of the only things remaining.


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