[nsp] Cisco Flash FAQ?

jlewis at lewis.org jlewis at lewis.org
Tue Oct 28 13:53:20 EST 2003

On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Gerald wrote:

> I know there is some way the 7200's will support ATA flash. Can I use the
> existing flash out of the 7200's in the 3620's? (assuming for the moment
> that there aren't ATA flash cards in them)

Not sure, but I don't think so.

> What are the specifics I need to make the 7200's work with an ATA flash
> card? (Certain ROM versions or 7200's?)

In 7200's, AFAIK, all you need is new enough boot code (such that it 
supports reading IOS from a disk: device.  Because your boot code might at 
some point get lost/corrupt, I highly recommend keeping a standard flash 
card in either slot with a "backup" IOS that you can use to get your 
bootflash repaired in an emergency.  I've used anything from 32mb to 128mb 
compact flash disks in PCMCIA adaptors.

Another issue I have run into though is that a CF formatted and loaded 
with files in one 7206 may not work properly in another.  This could be a 
VXR/non-VXR issue, or perhaps NPE dependant.  I just know that CF prepared 
in a non-VXR NPE200, may not work properly in a VXR NPE300.  So, to be 
safe, install the CF in the router it'll live in, then format it and load 
it with code before trying to do anything else with it.
 Jon Lewis *jlewis at lewis.org*|  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |  
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