[nsp] Cisco 3660 "BAD RAM"

Bruce Pinsky bep at whack.org
Tue Apr 13 14:34:30 EDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

Beprojects.com wrote:

| Does anybody have a link to the Cisco "memory map" page?  I am looking for
| the one that says what locations are used for what.  I have a 3660 that
| crashes on botup with the following message:
| System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(6r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
| Copyright (c) 1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
| Bad RAM at location 0xA0000000: wrote 0xA0000000, read 0xA0000008
| No matter what RAM I put in there, I get the same message.  It almost seems
| like a bad controller card.

Main memory on the 3660 goes to 0x0FFFFFF.  The highest address used is

0xA0000000 is the address of the KSEG1 virtual address used by the
processor in kernel mode.  Physical memory is mapped into KSEG1 by adding
the virtual base address to the physical memory address.  In this case,
that would be 0xA0000000 and 0x00000000.  That would imply the start of
memory or specifically slot 0.

Is this new memory you are installing?  If so, sounds like it could be the
wrong type of memory since the system must validate the size and type of
memory at startup.

Are you using the same size modules or different sizes?  If different, make
sure the largest one is in slot 0, next largest in slot 1, etc.

- --

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (MingW32)


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