[nsp] High CPU question (update)
bryan at tec-works.com
Fri Apr 30 17:25:15 EDT 2004
Hi Zoltain, thanks for the suggestion.
There are no alignment errors present.
#sh align
No alignment data has been recorded.
No spurious memory references have been recorded.
| Bryan Welch Direct:(425)844-8500 |
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On Fri, 30 Apr 2004, [utf-8] Kinczli Zoltán wrote:
> Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 22:48:07 +0200
> From: "[utf-8] Kinczli Zoltán" <Zoltan.Kinczli at Synergon.hu>
> To: Bryan <bryan at tec-works.com>, james <hackerwacker at cybermesa.com>
> Cc: Gert Doering <gert at greenie.muc.de>, cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
> Subject: RE: [nsp] High CPU question (update)
> Hello Bryan,
> Can you open a TAC case and do a CPU profiling? That finds out what does the CPU do during
> interrupt processing. One needs a TAC CE to decode/interpret the profiling data.
> 130kpps @ 66% is not normal....
> Do you see alignment errors?
> regards
> -zoltan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bryan [mailto:bryan at tec-works.com]
> Sent: Fri 4/30/2004 9:25 PM
> To: james
> Cc: Gert Doering; cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
> Subject: Re: [nsp] High CPU question (update)
> 53007 PPS in
> 76546 PPS out
> total for all interfaces and was hitting about 66%/66% cpu at this moment.
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