[c-nsp] 3550 Switches

Paul Stewart pauls at nexicom.net
Thu Aug 5 14:11:10 EDT 2004

Why the 3550-12T version and not a 3550-24-EMI for example?  Is there a
difference besides 100/1000 on the ports?  This is for low bandwidth (total
of maybe 20 Mb/s at the entire site)...



The 3550 can do this, you want the 3550-12T model, and, yes, for OSPF, you
need the EMI version.

Beware, though, if you want to do anything more, such as netflow, you are
quite limiting your options by using the 3550.  They have also been known to
have quite a few bugs.

For the role you described, the 3550 is ideal.

Kristófer Sigurðsson		   | Tel: +354 525 4103 / MSN: ks at rhi.hi.is
Netsérfræðingur/Network specialist | Reiknistofnun HÍ/University of Iceland

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