[nsp] /30 over WAN links

Konstantin Barinov sbr at infonet.ee
Fri Feb 6 19:02:19 EST 2004

HDJC6CS> del's rule...rfc1918 are the inside only - no exposure allowed...kiss
HDJC6CS> principle, baby...

Here's one exception originating from Cisco.

Cable interface on UBR boxes. If one uses private address space
for cable modems (logical, to avoid waste of valuable ipv4), private
address of UBR cable interface will be exposed to everyone. Cable modems
need primary address on UBR.

int c3/0
 ip address - this is for cable modems
 ip address 212.x.x.x secondary - default gw for CPE

trace from CPE:

traceroute to www.yahoo.akadns.net (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1  some-local-alias (  34.376 ms  12.496 ms  12.809 ms
 2  akm-l3-ge-0-1.infonet.ee (212.x.x.x)  9.470 ms  45.922 ms  8.980 ms
 3  r20-ge-0-0-0-86-Tln-TIX.EE.DataBone.net (  14.285 ms  14.220 ms  11.856 ms
 4  sthm-s1-rou-1001.SE.eurorings.net (  20.732 ms  22.905 ms  18.488 ms
 5  dssd-s2-rou-1001.DE.eurorings.net (  56.747 ms  57.182 ms  48.2 ms

Konstantin Barinov

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