[nsp] OSPF over RBE - no full adjacency
Vincent De Keyzer
vincent at dekeyzer.net
Wed Jan 21 11:56:32 EST 2004
Hello people,
how do I make the following two boxes establish an OSPF adjacency?
It seems that simple network statements are not enough - neighbors remain in
Exstart/Exchange phase.
Router A:
interface ATM2/0.12801 point-to-point
description To Router B
ip address x.y.240.81
ip verify unicast reverse-path
atm route-bridged ip
pvc RouterB 12/801
vbr-nrt 2000 2000
encapsulation aal5snap
ntp broadcast
alfonso#sh ip o ne
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface
RouterB 1 EXCHANGE/ - 00:00:37 x.y.240.82 ATM2/0.12801
Router B:
interface Ethernet0/0
description To Router A
ip address x.y.240.82
ip verify unicast reverse-path
load-interval 30
ntp broadcast client
RouterB#sh ip o ne
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface
RouterA 1 EXSTART/BDR 00:00:39 x.y.240.81 Ethernet0/0
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