[nsp] configuring cisco 2600 for enabling tcl ivr scripts

naveen chandra naveen_gsb at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 6 05:55:53 EDT 2004

hi all,
Iam trying to configure tcl ivr scripts for cisco 2600 softswitch.Can anyone  provide me with a sample script for the following scenario.
we have connected our media gateway to cisco 2600 and want to make call to PSTN through  fxo of cisco 2600
first when we lift our phone from out gateway running H.323 software we are hearing dial tone from cisco 2600 .When we dial a number  ,we establish a H.323 voice channel from our gateway to cisco.Then again we hear dial tone from PSTN for dialing PSTN number.
At this point we want an tcl ivr script to give a prompt to user like "Please dial the pstn number" and collect the pstn number from user.
Please help us........
Atleast give me the details ,how to enable tcl ivr scripts on cisco 2600
Thanks and Regards
Naveen Chandra

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