[c-nsp] Verifying BGP Propragation

Carlson Per Per.Carlson at banetele.com
Tue Jul 27 11:50:24 EDT 2004

> If I go to level3's looking glass (which is what AS10520 connects
> directly to) then I can see some of AS14456's prefixes showing up 
> but not on the Internet.

I you by 'Internet' means other providers than Level3, I can confirm that
some prefixes do show up:

router>sh ip bgp regexp 11666_14456
BGP table version is 17129602, local router ID is x.x.x.x
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i -
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*      x.x.x.x                       201      0 1273 3356 10520
11666 14456 i
*    x.x.x.x                       201      0 1273 3356 10520
11666 14456 i
*    x.x.x.x                       201      0 1273 3356 10520
11666 14456 i
*     x.x.x.x                       201      0 1273 3356 10520
11666 14456 i

1273 is C&W Europe, and 3356 is another Level3 AS (Europe probably).


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