[nsp] reserving 100% of egress interface bandwidth

Nic McCartney nic at gblx.net
Wed Jun 16 04:59:05 EDT 2004

Is there anybody that can help me understand why I seem to be able to
100% of output bandwidth on low end routers yet I can't on high end stuff.

I've successfully applied this config to a 3640 (and know it works on 2600

class-map fred
  match mpls experimental  2
class-map ned
  match mpls experimental  7
policy-map bloggs
  class fred
   bandwidth percent 90
  class ned
   bandwidth percent 9
  class class-default
   bandwidth percent 1

interface Serial0/0
  bandwidth 1544
 ip address
 no ip mroute-cache
 service-policy output bloggs
 clock rate 2000000

If I try to do the same to 7513, ESR or GSR they complain that I can't
reserve more than 99%.
(I've tried max-reserved-bandwidth 100 to no avail)



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