[nsp] BGP aggr and cust prefix leakage

Pete Templin petelists at templin.org
Mon Mar 22 17:54:45 EST 2004

Jeremy Hinton wrote:

> For those of 
> you injecting customer prefixes into iBGP (either via network statements 
> or redistribute maps), what method are you using to prevent those 
> prefixes from leaking to your peers? A couple of possibilities i've come 
> up with:

3) Communities.  Attach a community (the numeric value doesn't matter; 
however, having a cheat sheet so humans can decode the code is 
priceless) to each of the customer routes.  At appropriate edges, permit 
or deny based on the community string.

In my case, it required a re-engineering of my whole architecture, but 
if you're doing that anyway, it brings tremendous benefits (filter by 
prefix list on customer ingress, tag those routes that pass, filter by 
community at provider and peer egress; no need to update customer prefix 
lists on every edge device).


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