[nsp] Speaking of Multicast

Kristofer Sigurdsson ks at rhi.hi.is
Tue May 18 10:50:27 EDT 2004

christopher_a_kane at bankone.com, Tue, May 18, 2004 at 10:45:56AM -0400 :
> I was wondering what lessons some people have learned. Not in regards to 
> implementation or design but rather, operations support. What are some of 
> the common problems seen (mostly application related?), what 
> troubleshooting methods have worked best, etc...

Some (older) switches tend to go haywire if they have many multicast clients.  Apart
from that, it has been a pretty easy ride.

Over here, the main "problem" however is the same as with IPv6.  It's implemented, it's
working...but nobody's interested in using it. :)  About 99.99% of our traffic is plain
old unicast IPv4.

Kristófer Sigurðsson			Tel: +354 525 4103 / MSN: ks at rhi.hi.is
Netsérfræðingur/Network specialist	Reiknistofnun HÍ/University of Iceland

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