[nsp] port security on 29xx switches

Terry Baranski tbaranski at mail.com
Wed May 19 17:53:09 EDT 2004

>> it seems that vmps is rarely spoken of Kristofer.  i 
>> labbed/studied vmps and it seemed really cool in it's 
>> vlan assignment automation.
> Yes, I'm pretty surprised it isn't used/discussed more.
> Maybe because 802.1x is the solution Cisco proposes in 
> this field (correct me if I'm wrong?).

All indications are that VMPS is being phased out, unfortunately.  VMPS
Server functionality isn't supported on any IOS switches, and whenever
it's brought up Cisco has said that there are no plans to integrate it.
So it may be on it's way out in favor of 802.1X


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