[nsp] recommendations

Kristofer Sigurdsson ks at rhi.hi.is
Wed May 19 19:18:33 EDT 2004

> Summary: In my opinion, the 2691XM would probably do the trick under normal circumstances, but
> you need a 7200 VXR with NPE-G1 if you want to be able to handle (large) DoS attacks.
> Now, looking at your needs and your budget, which one is it going to be? :-)

Just remembered, what about the 7400 series?  The 7401ASR is a pretty powerful 1U router that can take 512 MB of
memory.  It's cheaper than the VXR's and perhaps more up to the task than the 2691XM...

Kristófer Sigurðsson		   | Tel: +354 525 4103 / MSN: ks at rhi.hi.is
Netsérfræðingur/Network specialist | Reiknistofnun HÍ/University of Iceland

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