[nsp] adding communities to ibgp originated routes

Pete Templin petelists at templin.org
Mon May 31 22:33:02 EDT 2004

matthew zeier wrote:
> What's the most common method of adding communities to ibgp routes?  Have
> the originating routes with a route-map to all ibgp peers matching an ACL
> and setting a community?

I can't speak for what is most common, but aside from the outbound route 
map (to a peer group or specific peers not a member of a peer group), 
there are a few other options:

1) On routes injected by the network command, a route map can be 
specified on the network statement.  This doesn't differentiate between 
peers that should get this community and peers that shouldn't, but might 
be convenient in your application.

2) On routes injected by redistribution, a route map can be specified as 
part of the redistribute statement.  Same caveat as above...


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