[c-nsp] AToM / EoMPLS incompatibility ?

David Freedman david.freedman at uk.clara.net
Wed Apr 27 18:27:08 EDT 2005


I've a bizarre problem which appears to be some kind of incompatibility
between EoMPLS (AToM) implementations on both 7200 and 6500/SupII.

I have this setup:

[Cust Switch A]
 | |
 | | 802.1q trunk
[ PE router A (7200) ]
       | MPLS Cloud
[ PE router B (6500) ]
 | |802.1q trunk
 | |
[Cust Switch B]

So basically, I'm trying to do port mode between PE router A and PE router B.

PE Router A:

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 7200 Software (C7200-K4P-M), Version 12.0(31)S, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
(This is an NPE/G1)

interface GigabitEthernet0/2
 description port-mode eompls test
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 duplex full
 speed 100
 media-type rj45
 no negotiation auto
 no cdp enable
 no clns route-cache
 xconnect [PE Router A] 23 encapsulation mpls

PE Router B:

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) c6sup2_rp Software (c6sup2_rp-PK2SV-M), Version 12.1(13)E14, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
(this is an SUPII/MSFCII and is uplinked to a P router via a 4GE-WAN OSM)

interface Vlan23
 description Vlan required for port-mode EOMPLS on 65xx
 no ip address
 mpls l2transport route [PE Router A] 23 vc-type ethernet
interface FastEthernet3/17
 description Port-Mode EOMPLS on 65xx
 no ip address
 speed 100
 duplex full
 switchport access vlan 23
 switchport mode dot1qtunnel
 no cdp enable
 spanning-tree bpdufilter enable

Now, when attempting to bring up the xconnect, this is what happens:

PE-A#sh mpls l2transport vc det
Local interface: Gi0/2 up, line protocol up, Ethernet up
  Destination address: [PE Router B], VC ID: 23, VC status: up
    Preferred path: not configured
    Default path: active
    Next hop: [Next hop to PE router A]
    Output interface: Gi0/1, imposed label stack {282 38}
  Create time: 03:46:29, last status change time: 00:21:27
  Signaling protocol: LDP, peer [PE Router B]:0 up
    MPLS VC labels: local 335, remote 38
    Group ID: local 0, remote 445
    MTU: local 1500, remote 1500
    Remote interface description: Vlan required for port-mode EOMPLS on 65xx
  Sequencing: receive disabled, send disabled
  VC statistics:
    packet totals: receive 0, send 6056
    byte totals:   receive 0, send 433034
    packet drops:  receive 0, seq error 0, send 203

PE-A# show  debug

  AToM vc event debugging is on

*Apr 27 14:08:45.950: AToM MGR [PE Router B, 23]: Advertise local vc label binding
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM MGR [PE Router B, 23]: Remote end up, inst 0
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM MGR [PE Router B, 23]: Validate vc, activating data plane
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM MGR [PE Router B, 23]: Failed to update AToM client's interwork type
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM MGR [PE Router B, 23]: Start remote down timer
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM SMGR [PE Router B, 23]: Event Imposition Enable, action 0x101, imp flags 0x0 remote vc label 38
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM SMGR: Programming impose rewrite 0x62439100: control_flag 0x1 resolve status 1
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM SMGR [PE Router B, 23]: State [Provisioned->Imposition Rdy]
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM SMGR [PE Router B, 23]: Event Disposition Enable, action 0x101 flags 0x0, local vc label 336
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM SMGR: Updating dispose_rewrite 0x62A1BED8: control_flag 0x1 resolve status 1
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM SMGR [PE Router B, 23]: State [Imposition Rdy->Imposition/Disposition Rdy]
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM SMGR [PE Router B, 23]: sucessfully processed SSM SW class provision, pwid 0x1001
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM SMGR [PE Router B, 23]: Notify SSM SW class ready from provision
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM SMGR [PE Router B, 23]: put rewrite 0x62A1BED8 into SSM hdl=0x62B4C6E0
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM SMGR [PE Router B, 23]: Sucessfully processed SSM SW class bind for pwid 0x1001
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM MGR [PE Router B, 23]: Receive SSM dataplane up notification
*Apr 27 14:08:46.594: AToM MGR [PE Router B, 23]: Dataplane activated

and on PE B:(which appears not to work)

PE-B #sh mpls l2transport vc detail

vcid: 23, type: ether , local groupid: 445, remote groupid: -1 (vc is down)
client: Vl23 is up, destination: [PE router A], Peer LDP Ident: [ PE Router A]
local label: 38, remote label: unassigned, tunnel label: not ready
Local MTU: 1500, Remote MTU: 0
Remote interface description:
imposition: LC Not Programmed
current imposition/last disposition slot: -1/32
Packet totals(in/out): 0/0
byte totals(in/out): 0/0

PE-B #sh deb
  Ethernet VLAN transport over MPLS, Control interactions debugging is on

Apr 27 23:16:10 BST: ATOM_TRANS: received BIND from [ PE Router A]
Apr 27 23:16:10 BST: ATOM_TRANS: decode mtu=1500
Apr 27 23:16:10 BST: ATOM_TRANS: decode interface=port-mode eompls test, len=21
Apr 27 23:16:10 BST: AToM: Wrong format of interface parameters

Now, what does "AToM: Wrong format of interface parameters" mean?

I'm sure I'm doing port-mode here on the 6500, but its debug keyword indicates that I'm
debugging VLAN mode.

Is this the right way to interoperate these devices using port-mode?

Any Help / Pointing in the right direction would be greatfully appreciated


David Freedman
Senior Network Engineer
Netscalibur UK Limited / Claranet UK Limited
http://www.netscalibur.co.uk / http://www.clara.net
Email disclaimer can be viewed at - http://www.netscalibur.co.uk/email.html

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