[c-nsp] Pix to Pix tunnel performance w/Windows File Sharing

Tony Mucker Tony at tonymucker.com
Thu Feb 17 11:04:12 EST 2005

It would appear I spoke to soon.  I didn't see any re-transmits under 
the netstat while I was using Linux, but I am seeing them in the 
Ethereal dump I just did.  Looks like the MTU on one of the routers 
(both using MultiLink Framerelay) is at 1500 while the other is at 4470.

Tony Mucker wrote:

>Thanks for the pointers Chuck.  The TFTP session was less than stellar.  
>It was even worse than the Windows file sharing, averaging about 
>12KB/sec.  I didn't see any re-transmits during the Windows/SMB file 
>transfer either.  I did an SCP transfer, and that flew.  Using SCP I was 
>able to max out the T1 bundle.
>Church, Chuck wrote:
>>Sounds like an MTU issue (keep in mind the IPSec overhead).  VNC I
>>assume uses UDP.  File transfers in Windows would be TCP.  Try putting a
>>TFTP server on one machine, and pulling a file across.  (A tftp client
>>comes with W2K and above).  If UDP flies and TCP doesn't, it sounds like
>>a windowing problem caused by the MTU.  Netstat -s will show you
>>re-transmits on the windows devices.  Might want to watch them during
>>Chuck Church
>>Lead Design Engineer
>>CCIE #8776, MCNE, MCSE
>>Netco Government Services - Design & Implementation
>>1210 N. Parker Rd.
>>Greenville, SC 29609
>>Home office: 864-335-9473
>>Cell: 703-819-3495
>>cchurch at netcogov.com
>>PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4371A48D
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