[c-nsp] Cisco 7600 Vs Cisco 6500

Saku Ytti saku+cisco-nsp at ytti.fi
Wed Jul 13 05:02:31 EDT 2005

On (2005-07-13 08:45 +0200), Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> Well, you got me there. We don't do L2TP at all, I see tunnels over IP for 
> bulk packet path as inherently flawed way of doing business. Much more 
> expensive than just routing them.

 I think our industry is funny in this way. Why are IP tunnels odd/bad and perform 
badly while MPLS tunnels are good and perform well?
 CSCO support pwe3 and 'MPLS VPN's over L2TPv3, what does this exactly
mean? This means, that you could finally actaully buy cheap and dump
core switches, like you used to with F/R and ATM. Do we have cheap and
dump MPLS switches? IP lookup is commodity and in some ways simpler than
MPLS, as IP lookup is hiearchial and you don't have to swap IP addresses. 
So doing MPLS lookup engine in dirty cheap TCAM stuff, I don't know.
 But even today, you can buy the cheapest L3 switch with IP routing 
ablity, build your el'cheapo ghetto 10G core with loop0 routing only
in core and run everything over L2TPv3, like it was your MPLS, just
without labels. No problems doing your 'MPLS VPN' between any two IP


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