[c-nsp] SLB IOS

Elmar K. Bins elmi at 4ever.de
Fri Mar 4 11:21:59 EST 2005

pauls at nexicom.net (Paul Stewart) wrote:

> I'm trying to find a list of hardware that supports (with the right
> software load of course) SLB IOS?  Can anyone point me to a list?  The
> only gear I know of is 6509's but I'm trying to find smaller gear that
> supports this...

My 7301's at least have the command set (and yes, it works, most of
the time). IOS is 12.3(8)T/IK9s.

Same for the 7401 on 12.3(11)T2/is.
Same for the 3661 on 12.3(10)/is.

Maybe they introduced it to the entire 12.3 tree?



"Begehe nur nicht den Fehler, Meinung durch Sachverstand zu substituieren."
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