[c-nsp] Rate-Limiting on Single Interface based on destination IP / AS

Noble noble at inserviceindia.com
Sun Mar 13 01:09:50 EST 2005

I am looking for a solution that can size / control the bandwidth based on
destination IP range / AS. Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
My  scenario is..
Customer R1===Ethernet 10/100 Link ===ISP 6509 10/100/1000 Port===ISP
Customer R1===Ethernet 10/100 Link =======||
As u can see above I have a 10/100/1000 mbps interface connected to the
customer A R1 on Ethernet link. Also my Customer B is using the same option
to interface with 6509.
My customers bought 15 mbps internet bandwidth from me. Rest of the
bandwidth (100mbps -15 mbps=85mbps) is to be used for traffic between the
local ISPs i.e.. Customer A and Customer B. How do I segregate / control

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