[c-nsp] 6500 with SUP720 SPAN questions, Again...

Dan Benson dbenson at swingpad.com
Thu Mar 17 14:39:27 EST 2005

Hello, and sorry for the repeat question:

I have a 6500 with a sup720 running in IOS mode that I am in dire need 
to be able to have more then 2 monitoring sessions on.  From what it 
seems to me at this point, I can have up to 2 sessions, monitoring rx on 
many ports or tx/rx on one,  and send them to many monitors ports, but I 
can have only 2.  Is there any way to increase this number?  Would 
buying a NAM module allow me to increase the number of SPAN sessions and 
or increase my number of monitor TX/RX ports. I thank you all again for 
your insight.   //db

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