[c-nsp] Graphing SVI throughput on 3550s

Peter Hicks peter.hicks at poggs.co.uk
Sat Mar 19 07:06:51 EST 2005


I've got mrtg/rrdtool graphing some SVIs on a 3550 switch.  The traffic 
throughput figures are coming out wrong, and even a "show int Vlan8" 
gives the wrong output:

   1 minute input rate 188000 bits/sec, 234 packets/sec
   1 minute output rate 186000 bits/sec, 233 packets/sec

Why is this wrong?  I'm downloading an ISO image from outside that 
network at about 800Kb/sec right now :)

IOS is 12.1(13)EA1c (which probably needs upgrading, but the kit is 
stable) and the SVI config is:

	interface Vlan8
	 description LON1 NOC
	 ip address
	 ip verify unicast reverse-path
	 ip helper-address
	 no ip redirects
	 ip route-cache policy
	 ip route-cache flow
	 load-interval 60
	 standby ip
	 standby priority 255
	 standby preempt
	 standby name NET-LON1-NOC

What do the counters represent?  More importantly, which OIDs must I 
graph to see the true throughput of the SVI?


Peter Hicks | e: my.name at poggs.co.uk | g: 0xE7C839F4 | w: www.poggs.com

   A: Because it destroys the flow of the conversation
   Q: Why is top-posting bad?

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