[c-nsp] 12008 replacement, 7300?

matthew zeier mrz at intelenet.net
Fri May 13 11:27:39 EDT 2005

>> On May 13, 2005, at 2:40 AM, matthew zeier wrote:
>>> I'm continually plagued by problems with some aging 12008s we have  
>>> and their
>>> old, EOL LCs.  I've been tasked with finding a replacement option.
> What are the exact limitations of line cards in the 12008?  I've heard 
> (somewhere) that it can only take E0/1/2 LCs, so no E3 cards could be a 
> big drawback.

Specifically for me, the box is no longer under maintenance and those that 
decide do not want to put it under maintenance.  So failed line cards turn out 
to be pricey.  I have a lot of E0 cards that don't do things I want them to do 
(PBR, for instance).  So the cost of replacing or upgrading cards looks nearly 
the same as buying a newer box.  And since the 12008 didn't really cost us 
anything (acquired during an acquisition), no one feels like we're tossing 
money away.

matthew zeier, Sr. Network Engineer  | "Nothing in life is to be feared.
InteleNet Communications, Inc.       |  It is only to be understood."
(949) 784-7904                       |       - Marie Curie

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