[c-nsp] nagios monitor bgp peer pluggin?

Shaun mailinglists at unix-scripts.com
Thu Nov 3 19:45:14 EST 2005

I ended up writing my own... maybe somebody else out their may want to use 
it....  Honestly i havnt done too much testing with the script yet, it 
appears to be working...


use strict;
use Net::SNMP;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);

my %opt;
GetOptions( "H=s" => \$opt{'H'},
                        "C=s" => \$opt{'C'},
                        "p=s" => \$opt{'p'},
                        "idle=s" => \$opt{'idle'},
                        "connect=s" => \$opt{'connect'},
                        "active=s" => \$opt{'active'},
                        "opensent=s" => \$opt{'opensent'},
                        "openconfirm=s" => \$opt{'openconfirm'},
                        "established=s" => \$opt{'established'} );

my %bgp_states = (
   "1" => "Idle",
   "2" => "Connect",
   "3" => "Active",
   "4" => "OpenSent",
   "5" => "OpenConfirm",
   "6" => "Established"

unless ($opt{'H'} && $opt{'C'} && $opt{'p'} && $opt{'idle'} && 
$opt{'connect'} && $opt{'active'} && $opt{'opensent'} && $opt{'openconfirm'} 
&& $opt{'established'}) {
        print "Usage: $0 <ARGS>\n";
        print "Example: $0 -H -C public -P \\\n";
        print "            -idle c -connect w -active w -opensent 
w -openconfirm w -established o\n\n";
        print " -H\t\t Hostname or IP\n";
        print " -C\t\t Community String\n";
        print " -p\t\t Peer IP Address\n";
        print " -idle\t\t BGP State Idle,\t c=critical, w=warning, o=ok\n";
        print " -connect\t BGP State Connect,\t c=critical, w=warning, 
        print " -active\t BGP State Active,\t c=critical, w=warning, 
        print " -opensent\t BGP State OpenSent,\t c=critical, w=warning, 
        print " -openconfirm\t BGP State OpenConfirm,\t c=critical, 
w=warning, o=ok\n";
        print " -established\t BGP State Established,\t c=critical, 
w=warning, o=ok\n\n";
        exit 3;
$opt{'idle'} = cl($opt{'idle'});
$opt{'connect'} = cl($opt{'connect'});
$opt{'active'} = cl($opt{'active'});
$opt{'opensent'} = cl($opt{'opensent'});
$opt{'openconfirm'} = cl($opt{'openconfirm'});
$opt{'established'} = cl($opt{'established'});

my $oid_bgp_peerstate = ''.$opt{'p'};

my($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname => $opt{'H'},
-community => $opt{'C'} );

unless(defined($session)) {
        print "Could not establish SNMP session\n";
        exit 2;

my $result = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$oid_bgp_peerstate] );
my $bgp_peerstate = $result->{$oid_bgp_peerstate};


print "BGP Peer ".$opt{'p'}." State: ".$bgp_states{$bgp_peerstate}."\n";

print $opt{'established'};

exit $opt{'established'} if $bgp_peerstate == 6;
exit $opt{'openconfirm'} if $bgp_peerstate == 5;
exit $opt{'opensent'} if $bgp_peerstate == 4;
exit $opt{'active'} if $bgp_peerstate == 3;
exit $opt{'connect'} if $bgp_peerstate == 2;
exit $opt{'idle'} if $bgp_peerstate == 1;
exit 3;

sub cl {
        my($level) = @_;

        return 2 if $level eq "c";
        return 1 if $level eq "w";
        return 0 if $level eq "o";
        return 3;

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