[c-nsp] boot image?

Ian Dickinson iand at eng.pipex.net
Sun Oct 23 05:57:04 EDT 2005

Shaun wrote:
> I have a 7206VXR, that boot image c7200-boot-mz-120-10.S and it works fine 
> except for one problem, when it starts it throughs a warning that it may not 
> understand the config file for IOS 12.3 (I'm running IOS 
> c7200-ik9s-mz.123-16.bin).  I doing a little research on the error and the 
> end result usually ends up being to ignore the message.  I would rather fix 
> the problem if I can...
> I decided to upgrade the boot image and c7200-kboot-mz.123-16.bin was to 
> big, my bootflash is only 3.4ish MB and that image is about 6.5MB.  I then 
> grabbed c7200-boot-mz.120-28d.bin and booted and now I don't see that 
> message about it not recognizing 12.3 configs but now I see a new message 
> about a bad CPU ID.  Looked this up and it appears the boot image doesn't 
> know what a NPE-300 is.
> Now I'm assuming that 120-28d would be newer than 120-10.S so I'm a bit 
> confused as to why this image has this problem.

Unfortunately choosing an IOS is far from simple.

Stick with c7200-boot-mz.120-24.S.bin - it's the newest that fits in the
bootflash (156 bytes free) but make sure you have somewhere else to write
crashinfo (and remember to configure this).

You have a similar but opposite problem when using NPE-400/NPE-G1 with 12.0S
where you have to use a kboot image, which first starts at 12.1.
Ian Dickinson
Development Engineer
ian.dickinson at pipex.net

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