[c-nsp] dot1q-tunneling

Alex Cruz Farmer alex.cf+c-nsp at netsumo.com
Wed Aug 2 12:37:14 EDT 2006


I've currently got two 3750s in two locations with an interlink inbetween using Extreme switches. 
Currently, the configuration seems to be fine:

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/24
  switchport access vlan 544
  switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
  duplex full
  speed 100
  no cdp enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/18
  switchport access vlan 544
  switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
  duplex full
  speed 100
  no cdp enable

The Extreme config is super simple, the ports are untagged on Vlan 544 on the 3750 ends, then tagged 
on the uplink ports between the two extreme switches at each site. Jumbo frames *is* enabled on the 
Extreme switches (9216).

Both Ciscos have the following MTU settings:

System MTU size is 1546 bytes
System Jumbo MTU size is 1546 bytes

I can't see what could be wrong, as from what I've read simply trunking the Vlan should work, 
although, there is a change of Vendor inbetween... If anyone has any suggestions that would be much 
appreciated. These switches aren't currently live, so settings can be changed. :)

Kind regards,


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