[c-nsp] 3560 and Nortel IP phones

Asbjorn Hojmark - Lists lists at hojmark.org
Sun Dec 3 11:25:44 EST 2006

> interface FastEthernet0/9
>  switchport access vlan 10
>  switchport mode access
>  switchport voice vlan 40
>  srr-queue bandwidth share 10 10 60 20
>  srr-queue bandwidth shape  10  0  0  0
>  mls qos trust device cisco-phone
>  mls qos trust cos
>  auto qos voip cisco-phone
>  spanning-tree portfast

That'll only work with a Cisco phone. For Nortel phones, you
should use something like:

interface FastEthernet0/9
 switch trunk encap dot1q
 switch trunk allow vlan 10,40
 switch trunk native vlan 10
 switch mode trunk
 srr-queue bandwidth share 10 10 60 20
 srr-queue bandwidth shape  10  0  0  0
 service-pol <whatever> in
 spanning-tree portfast trunk

Plus you'll have to do classification and marking with MQC (a
policy-map with class-maps etc).


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