[c-nsp] Bug ID CSCdy72539 For GRE Tunneling on 6500 PFC3B

Kamalasiri Dissanayke kamalasiri at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 19:10:31 EST 2006


Thanks for the Tip.
I didnt change it on other side, that could be the reason, Is there any way
to find that cpu is increasing due to fragmentation with show commands like
Show process cpu ?
Show Ip traffic shows fragmenetd traffic but it is less than 100, could be
only the packets comes to router addresses.

Yesterday moved box to production with working config I got with IPSEC SM
due pressure from project management. AT the moment I  am trying to arrange
another test bench with redundant box.
I will update the test results once I setup the other.

Thank you


On 12/8/06, Asbjorn Hojmark - Lists <lists at hojmark.org> wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply, I change the MTU to 1476 (ip mtu 1476)
> > and later to1470. Still having the same issue.
> It could also be re-assembly, I guess. Did you change both ends
> of the tunnel?
> > any Other Suggestions ?
> I would do a sniffer trace of the data going to the CPU. I you
> haven't done that before, I suggest you open a TAC case.
> -A

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