[c-nsp] Frame PVC -> 802.1q VLAN

David Freedman david.freedman at uk.clara.net
Tue Dec 19 13:08:28 EST 2006

I'd like to cross connect a Frame Relay PVC with an 802.1q VLAN at IP level.

I was under the impression the best platform to try with with would be 
software based, namely c7200 running latest 12.0S using local switching.

However, this does not appear to be possible,

(in example, am trying to bridge s1/0.200 with f2/0.200)

interface Serial1/0
  no ip address
  no ip directed-broadcast
  encapsulation frame-relay
  clockrate 2016000
  frame-relay lmi-type ansi
interface Serial1/0.200 point-to-point
  description bridge
  no ip directed-broadcast
  frame-relay interface-dlci 200
interface FastEthernet2/0.200
  description bridge
  encapsulation dot1Q 200
  no ip directed-broadcast

Router(config)#connect test s1/0 200 fastethernet 2/0.200 inter ip
Serial1/0 DLCI 200 is not a switched PVC
%CONN: invalid segment 1
CONN: Invalid Command

Since other PVCs exist on the bundle I dont seem to be able to single 
out this PVC to make it switched,

Router(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 200 switched
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

So I thought , out of desperation, I'd try using bridging:

Router(config)# interface f2/0.200
Router(config-subif)#bridge-group 1

Bridging is not supported on 802.1Q Encapsulated Subinterface.

This does not appear to be possible either.

Well, I'm all out of suggestions, I would rather not purchase an 
external box to do this.

Can anybody offer any advice as to how this would be possible
with cisco kit?

Kind Regards,

David Freedman

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