[c-nsp] 2970 turns into a hub for a few moments

Kevin Graham mahargk at gmail.com
Wed Dec 27 12:02:40 EST 2006

On 12/27/06, Vincent De Keyzer <vincent at dekeyzer.net> wrote:
> It just happened again!...
> A few details about the switch: it's a 2970 running 12.2(25)SEB4 (LANBASE);
> its config is pretty simple (see below).

What's on Gig0/1, Gig0/17, Gig0/18, Gig0/19, Gig0/23, Gig0/24? What
port is the PF box on?

Unless topology suggests otherwise, 'spanning-tree vlan 8 root' to
force this to be the root bridge. Also, enable portfast on Gig0/21 and
Gig0/22; Gig0/15 and Gig0/20 (assuming there really is just a phone
and desktop behind them) need 'spanning-tree portfast trunk'.

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