[c-nsp] Strange VIP CPU load

Bill Wichers billw at waveform.net
Thu Jan 12 22:21:01 EST 2006

I have customer running some kind of streaming app that seems to be using
excessive CPU load and I'm curious if anyone knows what might cause this.
Normally I only see this kind of VIP load from DoS, not from only about 18
Mb/s more "legit" traffic (total on the interface was about 38-45 Mb/s
during the "problem" period of 100% CPU load.

I would expect an increase in CPU load, but not going from about 30-40% to
100% with only 18Mb/s increase in traffic, one direction (about a 30-40%
increase in total traffic through the interface). Does anyone know what
might cause this much CPU load for normal (i.e., not all minimum-size,
random DoS style packets)? Below is a copy of the per-minute graph from
'show tech' for the VIP. Ingress side VIP only is affected, egress VIP is
not showing anything abnormal, which is unlike DoS. The per-second graph
was pretty much solidly 100% during the peaks that show on the per-minute

Any ideas or even wild guesses much appreciated!


          |- This is where I shaped the customer at the switch
          |                                            1
100        ** * *  ** #** *     ******#*  ****  ** ***#*  *  **
 90        ** * #  #**#** * *  *******#*  ****  ******#*  *  **
 80        *#** #  #**#*# * ** *##*##*#*  ###*  ***#**##  * *#*
 70        *#** #* ##*### * ***###*####*  ###***##*#*###*** *##
 60        *#*#*#**##*###** #**######### *####**########*** *##
 50     *  ##*#############*############*######################
 40  *#*#######################################################
 30  ##########################################################
 20  ##########################################################
 10  ##########################################################
              0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5

               CPU% per minute (last 60 minutes)
              * = maximum CPU%   # = average CPU%

Waveform Technology
Systems Engineer

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