[c-nsp] implement Caller ID

pons madunix at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 01:54:06 EDT 2006

Dear all,

I have Cisco Routers 3662 with 2xISDN PRI to authenticate 100 users ISDN
I am using the local username database for authentication, in order to
increase the
security mesurment I want bind the profile name based on username and caller
to allow remote access to access network services.
How would you implement caller ID?

sh run:

aaa new-model
aaa authentication ppp g1 group radius local
aaa authorization network g1 group radius local
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group radius
aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius
username A password xxx
username B password xxx
username C password xxx
username D password xxx
username E password xxx
username F password xxx

interface Group-Async1
 ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
 no ip directed-broadcast
 encapsulation ppp
 no ip split-horizon
 dialer in-band
 dialer idle-timeout 3600
 dialer-group 2
 async mode interactive
 peer default ip address pool cisco3662-group-2
 no fair-queue
 ppp authentication chap pap ms-chap callin
 group-range 161 190
interface Dialer1
  ip address 10.13.x.x
 no ip directed-broadcast
 encapsulation ppp
 no ip split-horizon
 dialer in-band
 dialer idle-timeout 900
 dialer-group 1
 peer default ip address pool Cisco3662-Group-1
 ppp authentication chap pap ms-chap callin

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (TH Aachen)
Communications/Network and Systems Engineer

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