[c-nsp] Catalyst 6500 and 5513

Rudy Setiawan rudy at rudal.com
Thu Jul 27 12:26:21 EDT 2006

Hello all,

I was having a problem trying to service-police a VLAN in 6509 that is being
trunked to 5513 catalyst.
6509 is using SUP1A/PFC/MSFC2 and 5513 is using Sup3.

A port in 5513 is attached to a VLAN number 145 with dot1q encapsulation.
Then in the 6509 sup1a, I put a service police on Interface VLAN145
Trying to limit a server to 20Mbps of outbound traffic
Config as followed:

class-map match-all 20mbps
  match access-group 108
policy-map 20mbps
  class 20mbps
     police 20000000 7500 7500 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
interface Vlan145
 ip address
 no ip redirects
 service-policy input 20mbps
Access-list 108 permit ip any any

But still that server is still pushing 35Mbps.
So when I did a "show int vlan145", it doesn't show pushing 35Mbps instead
of way less than 2Mbps.

Version of IOS in 6509: 12.1(26)E6
Version of CatOS in 5513: 6.4(7)

Since 6509(Sup1a) does not support rate-limit :( . It worked great when 5513
and gsr12008 were in place together and I can use rate-limit.

So what did I do wrong? Or any special configuration I need in 5513 and 6509
to make the service-policy works?

Thanks in advance.

Rudy Setiawan

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