[c-nsp] WAN, Routing and Switching: Router processor down, then it came back in a different redundancy mode

Kike enriquebs at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 06:23:12 EDT 2006

HI all,

Here is a question about a NSE100 processor, after an event it was reseted
(by itself) and

come up in a different redundancy mode, RPR.
The event heppened while configuring an ip address in the same range than
another one, then the router complained about an "overlapping" error and the
standby route processor was down.

Jun 30 08:30:40: %HA-6-FALLBACK: Standby coming up in fallback mode -
configured mode(SSO),

fallback mode(rpr)
Jun 30 08:30:40: %HA-6-FALLBACK: System redundancy mode fallback -
configured mode(SSO),

fallback mode(RPR)
Jun 30 08:30:40: %HA-6-MODE: Operating RP redundancy mode is RPR

The "sh redund" output showed the second processor as STANDBY-COLD

It was necessary type the following command in order to get the SSO
redundancy mode again:

hw-module standby reload

At present the issue is solved but I wanna know why it happened.

Thanks a lot in advance.



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