[c-nsp] Sup720 + EoMPLS type interworking

David Freedman david.freedman at uk.clara.net
Fri Mar 3 04:07:46 EST 2006


We have the following setup in place.

=====802.1q bundle====[PE Router A]
                              | MPLS Cloud
                       [PE Router B]
                          Ethernet port

Currently, PE router A is a 7200 NPE-G1 running

PE router B is a Catalyst 6500 with a Supervisor2 / MSFC2
and a 4GE-WAN-OSM card.
This router has its PE->P connection on the OSM which is fine.

We receive 802.1q tagged VLAN traffic ingress on PE A
from a customer and send it to PE B via EoMPLS to a dedicated router 
port by carrying the VLAN all the way through (EoMPLS VLAN mode)

The way we currently do this is:

PE router A:

interface GigabitEthernet0/1.100
  encapsulation dot1q 100
  description Customer A (vlan 100)
  xconnect <PE B> 100 encapsulation mpls

PE router B:

interface vlan 100
  description Customer A from PE A (vlan 100)
  mpls l2transport route <PE A> 100 vc-type vlan
interface FastEthernet 1/1
  description drop for vlan 100
  switchport mode access
  switchport access vlan 100

Now, this works fine, if the customer wants to further carry dot1q 
inside the vlan, we just do this on the access switchport

interface FastEthernet 1/1
  description drop for vlan 100
  switchport mode access
  switchport access vlan 100
  switchport mode dot1q-tunnel

The question comes when we upgrade PE B to Supervisor720 PFC3BXL.

 From the earlier discussion that was going on here, you can't do EoMPLS 
on an SVI without an OSM which we are not planning on using after the 
upgrade (we want to ditch the 4GE-WAN-OSM as its end of life)

<the crunch>

So, the question really is, how do we transport EoMPLS vlan mode on a 
Supervisor 720 PFC3BXL without an OSM, considering EoMPLS SVI isn't 

If we cant do this, how do we use interworking to turn the VC into a 
"port-mode"  VC?

</the crunch>

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