[c-nsp] High Cpu Utilisation: Cat 4006

Gangasagar Amula sagar_cisco at rediffmail.com
Sat Mar 18 01:31:03 EST 2006

Hi All,
The Cpu utilisation of our L3 Switch is going very high. approx 85 %
Please let me know if you get to know something from the below input.
Thanks and Regards,

****************** show version ******************
WS-C4006 Software, Version NmpSW: 6.4(15)
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
NMP S/W compiled on Jan  6 2005, 12:55:47
GSP S/W compiled on Jan 06 2005, 10:54:00
System Bootstrap Version: 5.4(1)
Hardware Version: 1.3  Model: WS-C4006  Serial #: FOX05025207
Mod Port Model      Serial #              Versions
--- ---- ---------- -------------------- ---------------------------------
1   2    WS-X4013   JAB050609AU          Hw : 1.3
                                         Gsp: 6.4(15.0)
                                         Nmp: 6.4(15)
2   48   WS-X4148-RJ JAE045003U3          Hw : 2.3
3   48   WS-X4148-RJ JAE0450038T          Hw : 2.3
4   48   WS-X4148-RJ JAE045003GD          Hw : 2.3
5   48   WS-X4148-RJ JAE044801V8          Hw : 2.3
6   34   WS-X4232-L3 JAB044601ST          Hw : 1.5
       DRAM                    FLASH                   NVRAM
Module Total   Used    Free    Total   Used    Free    Total Used  Free
------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- ----- -----
1       65536K  35911K  29625K  16384K   9138K   7246K  480K  280K  200K
Uptime is 145 days, 12 hours, 23 minutes
****************** show flash ******************
-#- ED --type-- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- -----date/time------ name
  1 .. ffffffff 3fb14273  3e4084   17  3817476 Feb 13 2001 22:43:35 cat4000.6-1-
  2 .. ffffffff f089d927  82c500   18  4490236 Mar 19 2005 06:04:52 cat4000.6-4-
7420672 bytes available (8307968 bytes used)

****************** show proc mem ******************

Memory Used:   3164288
       Free:   6861728
      Total:  10026016
PID        TTY        Allocated  Freed      Holding    Process
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------
1          -2         17858304   16029888   1828416    Kernel and Idle
2          -2         96         0          96         Flash MIB Updat
3          -2         536128     14016      522112     SynConfig      
4          -2         1957907488 1957906880 608        Statuspoll     
5          -2         64         0          64         PwrDevMsgUpd   
6          -2         160        0          160        StatusPoll 5s  
7          1084614932 102432     47328      55104      show_command   
8          -2         96         0          96         SecurityRx     
9          -2         64         0          64         SWPoll64bCnt   
10         -2         5504       5472       32         Earl           
11         -2         224        0          224        ProtocolFilter 
12         -2         32         0          32         connecthelper  
13         -2         30752      30720      32         telnetd        
14         -2         2375087520 2375087424 96         ProtocolTimer  
15         -2         64         0          64         RMON AlarmTimer
16         -2         0          0          0          llcSSTPFlood   
17         -2         3904       3840       64         gsgScpAggregati
18         -2         96         0          96         sntp_recd      
19         -2         32         0          32         sntp_xmitd     
20         -2         735510368  735506464  3904       cdpd           
21         -2         3278097280 3278097120 160        cdpdtimer      
22         -2         27782752   27782496   256        SptTimer       
23         -2         4610848    4610368    480        SptBpduRx      
24         -2         18656      18496      160        SptBpduTx      
25         -2         224        0          224        VtpTimer       
26         -2         54754912   54745088   9824       DTP_Rx         
27         -2         48335200   48010240   324960     EthChnlRx      
28         -2         27550464   27481056   69408      EthChnlConfig  
29         -2         96         0          96         sptHelper      
30         -2         0          0          0          sptTraps       
31         -2         64         0          64         ciscoRmonTimer 
32         -2         64         0          64         ciscoUsrHistory
33         -2         96         0          96         rmonMediaIndep 
34         -2         0          0          0          SnmpTraps      
35         -2         32         0          32         Acct Send Bkg  
38         -2         2560       2432       128        l2t_server     
40         -2         32         0          32         SysLogTask     
41         -2         160        0          160        pinggateA      
42         -2         96         0          96         Authenticator_S
43         -2         32         0          32         dot1x_rx       
44         -2         32         0          32         Backend_Rx     
45         -2         32         0          32         Backend_SM     
143        0          58368      3744       54624      Console        
144        -2         1583513952 1583288864 225088     snmpdm         
145        -2         288        0          288        VtpRx          
146        -2         286588736  286585344  3392       THREAD         
147        1084614932 83040      19776      63264      telnet147      
193        0          0          0          0          Packet forwardi
194        0          3324272    0          3324272    Switching overh
195        0          923164     0          923164     Admin overhead 

****************** show proc cpu ******************

CPU utilization for five seconds:  85.63%
                      one minute:  77.70%
                    five minutes:  75.19%
PID Runtime(ms) Invoked    uSecs    5Sec    1Min    5Min    TTY Process
--- ----------- ---------- -------- ------- ------- ------- --- ---------------
1   1174535890  0          0         14.37%  22.30%  24.81% -2  Kernel and Idle
2   11          127        1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Flash MIB Updat
3   110027177   116603290  75000      0.59%   0.92%   0.98% -2  SynConfig      
4   22713113    16282080   5000       0.49%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Statuspoll     
5   3144222     39615783   2000       0.19%   0.00%   0.00% -2  PwrDevMsgUpd   
6   199666      2504869    1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  StatusPoll 5s  
7   1449497     4558       71000     18.71%  11.38%   7.80% 1084614932 show_comm
8   9           2          9000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  SecurityRx     
9   51924       523415     1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  SWPoll64bCnt   
10  868750      12223525   2000       0.19%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Earl           
11  97628       1254856    2000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  ProtocolFilter 
12  310         400        2000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  connecthelper  
13  94          321        1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  telnetd        
14  23002097    108625901  13000      0.68%   0.00%   0.00% -2  ProtocolTimer  
15  1           1          1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  RMON AlarmTimer
16  0           1          0          0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  llcSSTPFlood   
17  138672492   2496733069 2000       0.53%   0.00%   0.00% -2  gsgScpAggregati
18  23          145        1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  sntp_recd      
19  0           1          0          0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  sntp_xmitd     
20  796454      1342840    2000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  cdpd           
21  97080483    12531477   100000     1.36%   1.00%   1.00% -2  cdpdtimer      
22  19947258    12417928   11000      0.68%   0.00%   0.00% -2  SptTimer       
23  121654340   68317547   32000      1.43%   1.00%   1.00% -2  SptBpduRx      
24  106482592   12588072   34000      1.19%   1.00%   1.00% -2  SptBpduTx      
25  1331327     12261017   2000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  VtpTimer       
26  25625032    10235686   32000      0.41%   0.00%   0.00% -2  DTP_Rx         
27  161683      274383     26000      0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  EthChnlRx      
28  252470      404377     27000      0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  EthChnlConfig  
29  7900873     111357253  2000       0.76%   0.00%   0.00% -2  sptHelper      
30  0           1          0          0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  sptTraps       
31  92194       1254861    2000       0.19%   0.00%   0.00% -2  ciscoRmonTimer 
32  83884       1254859    1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  ciscoUsrHistory
33  1           1          1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  rmonMediaIndep 
34  2           8          1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  SnmpTraps      
35  0           1          0          0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Acct Send Bkg  
38  53          9          9000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  l2t_server     
40  10873       103545     6000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  SysLogTask     
41  834599      12220730   2000       0.19%   0.00%   0.00% -2  pinggateA      
42  54103676    746014533  2000       0.87%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Authenticator_S
43  1           1          1000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  dot1x_rx       
44  1753130     26497140   2000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Backend_Rx     
45  57038095    626675562  2000       0.68%   0.00%   0.00% -2  Backend_SM     
143 201145347   2496733059 3000       0.41%   0.92%   0.98% 0   Console        
144 246459      1123421    199000     0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  snmpdm         
145 27775       166799     3000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  VtpRx          
146 532312      244762     52000      0.00%   0.00%   0.00% -2  THREAD         
147 225266      112        4000       0.00%   0.00%   0.00% 1084614932 telnet147
193 3234873477  2059011136 17684     44.20%  44.13%  43.53% 0   Packet forwardi
194 538929086   250881678  9209       5.43%   5.73%   6.21% 0   Switching overh
195 785169361   656370151  23018      6.97%   6.82%   6.75% 0   Admin overhead 

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