[c-nsp] power requirement for sup720 migration

Simon Lockhart simon at slimey.org
Wed Nov 15 16:15:09 EST 2006

On Wed Nov 15, 2006 at 03:09:43PM -0600, Church, Chuck wrote:
>                         Pwr-Requested  Pwr-Allocated  Admin Oper
> Slot Card-Type          Watts   A @42V Watts   A @42V State State
> ---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ----- -----
> 1    WS-SUP720-BASE      315.00  7.50   315.00  7.50  on    on
> 2    WS-X6516-GBIC       315.00  7.50   315.00  7.50  on    on
> 3    WS-X6516-GBIC       142.80  3.40   142.80  3.40  on    on 
> Yes, I realize that it's extremely borderline :)  Not sure why my
> 6516-GBIC blades are using different amounts of power either.  Might
> need to check some logs.  I hope half the blade isn't powered off...

On the 6503, slot 2 reserves enough power for you to plug in a 2nd Supervisor,
which is why it looks like the 6516 in that slot is using more power than the


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