[c-nsp] network design question

Justin M. Streiner streiner at cluebyfour.org
Mon Nov 20 15:44:55 EST 2006

On Mon, 20 Nov 2006, Alex Valentine wrote:

> I was having a debate over a proposed network design, and I was
> wondering if some of the people on this list could provide some insight.
> Design #1 (proposed layout)
> T1#1 <-> Cisco 2600#1<-> Pix515e <-> Cisco2821#1 <-> Interal NET
> T1#2 <-> Cisco 2600#2<-> Pix515e <-> Cisco2821#2
> Design #2 (my layout)
> T1#1 <-> Cisco 2821#1 <-> Pix 515e#1,2(failovercble) <-> Internal NET
> T1#2 <-> Cisco 2821#2

Based on what I saw in your email, I'd say design #2 is the better choice. 
In design #1, the 2821s really don't gain you very much.  They are more 
than capable of handling T1s, so it makes sense to use them in place of 
the 2600s.


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