[c-nsp] bgp wierdness

matt carter matt at iseek.com.au
Wed Nov 22 16:59:37 EST 2006

hi all,

im presuming ive hit some kind of wierd issue here, i did a bgp session
reset this morning as part of some planned work on an edge router and when
the bgp sessions came back everything appeared normal routes were being
passed on correctly show ip bgp looked just fine, provider looking glasses
are fine, everything is a-ok, or so it would seem.. however, show ip route
bgp shows that not a single bgp learned route has been installed into the
routing table?? 

obviously this has caused major grief because bgp is saying over here over
here and then when the router actually gets the packets it cant forward them

resetting the bgp peer didnt resolve it, nor did removing the bgp peer
config and re-adding it, i ended up having to remove the entire router bgp
process statement from the conf. when i repaste the conf back in just as it
was before everything works just fine.

more cisco bugware? ;)

platform is 7301 w/ 12.4(10)


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