[c-nsp] BGP inbound route maps

Kanagaraj Krishna kanagaraj at aims.com.my
Sat Sep 16 01:08:25 EDT 2006

   We are trying to set local preference 90 for specific inbound routes only. 
The specific routes are:

a) Directly from upstream provider AS no.
b) 1 hop away from provider AS no.
c) 2 hops away from provider AS no.

We tried the below config but it only satisfies requirement A and B. 
Requirement C doesn't take into effect. Need help in making this work. These 
are configurations used: 

neighbor xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx remote-as ABCD
neighbor xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx route-map test-inbound in
neighbor xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx route-map test-outbound out

ip as-path access-list 77 permit ^ABCD$
ip as-path access-list 77 permit ^(ABCD_)+[0-9]+$
ip as-path access-list 77 permit ^(ABCD_)+[0-9]+[0-9]+$

route-map test-inbound permit 5
 match as-path 77
 set local-preference 90



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