[c-nsp] 6500: another eompls problem

Alexandre Snarskii snar at paranoia.ru
Thu Apr 19 12:32:48 EDT 2007


Router in question is 6500, IOS 12.2(33)SRA1. 

We have a plenty of mux-uni eompls vc's, configured just "by the book": 

interface Port-channel42.812
 encapsulation dot1Q 812
 xconnect XX.XXX.XXX.XX 812 encapsulation mpls

Today, while adding another one, 

interface Port-channel23.4093
 encapsulation dot1Q 4093 
 xconnect XX.XXX.XXX.XX 4093 encapsulation mpls

we faced strange problem: 

a) New vc got blocked by spanning-tree on far side of etherchannel:

Apr 19 20:03:29.356 MSD: %SPANTREE-2-RECV_PVID_ERR: Received BPDU with inconsistent peer vlan id 812 on Port-channel23 VLAN4093.

b) Even worse: old vc (812) stopped functioning - while we saw mac-addresses 
from downstream on switch, terminating Portchannel42, but no mac-addresses 
were learned from eompls side.. Instead, we saw packets which should
be forwarded to vc 812 (po42.812) appeared on vc 4093 (po23.4093)..

Well, after deleting new vc, and re-creating old one (no int po42.812/
int po42.812) everything returned back to work. But, next try to 
configure new vc failed with the same reason.. 

Interesting note: when deleting new vc (no int po42.4093) next message 
appeared in log: 
Apr 19 20:03:54.321 MSD: %INTERFACE_API-4-TBLERROR: A error occurred while using the Index Table utility for Element Deletion.
-Traceback= 41B38B88 41B41B04 41B4C3AC 404B7D74 404D964C 40F9B78C 40F9B778

So, i'm suppose that there is some another bug.. 

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