[c-nsp] per-packet load sharing.

Joe Provo jzp-cnsp at rsuc.gweep.net
Mon Dec 10 06:42:05 EST 2007

On Sun, Dec 09, 2007 at 05:39:07PM -0800, virendra rode // wrote:
> In order to distribute traffic (load-sharing) across two links I'm
> looking at enabling equal cost traffic (per-packet load sharing) going
> out both serial links as their data processing is overloading one link.
> The equal cost routes with CEF default load sharing is not distributing
> the load over the 2 links as expected.  MLPPP is not an option for
> budget reasons hence I'm looking at doing per-packet.
> Any recommendation and /or feedback will be appreciated.

ECMP in routing protocols good, per-packet bad.  If you care at all
about TCP performance or have jitter-sensitive traffic then don't do 
it.  Your best bet is to suss out how much BGP you can eat on the
platform, get that data and (backfill with 0/0 if you are on a limited 
platform), then slice and dice your load at that level.


             RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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