[c-nsp] IPv6 via IRB Status?

Michael Smith mksmith at adhost.com
Wed Dec 26 02:49:03 EST 2007

Hello All:

I was wondering if anyone had an update to the status of being able to  
do IPv6 with IRB.  There was some conversation on the list from  
September but it was still up in the air.  I have a Cisco 871W that I  
would like to bridge for the wireless connection, but I'm doing IPv6  
so it's not working.  (note: everything *but* IPv6 works just fine,  
and IPv6 works on the ethernet segment with the address attached to  
VLAN 1 instead of BVI 1.

If it's a long way out I'm considering tearing out the IRB  
configuration and associated BVI and using two different /64's, one  
for wi-fi and one for ethernet proper, but I would prefer to have it  
all on one network if at all possible.



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