[c-nsp] Different bootldr and system versions

Rick Kunkel kunkel at w-link.net
Mon Jun 4 12:51:49 EDT 2007

At the risk of sounding like a pest, I decided to repost this question,
simply because it didn't generate any responses.  As luck would have it,
our mail server needed to be rebooted Friday around this time, and I don't
know if it got trashed while in the overly-full queue somehow, or if I
have really have asked too many questions over the past week or so. ;)



On Fri, 1 Jun 2007, Rick Kunkel wrote:

> Sorry about the rapid-fire questions over the past few days.  I can't seem
> to find an answer to this.
> I've got a newer system image, but not a bootloader for my 6509.  I'm 
> considering going from this:
> boot system flash sup-bootflash:c6sup22-psv-mz.121-19.E1.bin
> boot bootldr bootflash:c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1.bin
> To this:
> boot system flash disk0:c6sup22-psv-mz.121-26.E8.bin
> boot bootldr bootflash:c6msfc2-boot-mz.121-19.E1.bin
> Note the different versions above.  Is this OK?
> BTW, I think when I first started configuring this thing, I left the 
> bootloader out entirely and it worked.  Is that viable?
> Thanks,
> Rick Kunkel

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