[c-nsp] Tools for making config backups

Justin M. Streiner streiner at cluebyfour.org
Wed Jun 20 09:57:58 EDT 2007

On Wed, 20 Jun 2007, chiel wrote:

> I'm looking for some program that will make backups of a cisco config from serveral devices.
> I have taken a quick look at Rancid for this but I would like to know if there are any similar programs out there.
> My requirements:
> -Security (ssh or snmpv3)
> -Opensource (so that I can run it on a linux system)

As far as I know, rancid will handle these - I don't know about #1 for 
sure, but rancid will be, or can be made to run on your linux distro of 

I wrote a backup system while at a previous job, however it does not do 
SNMPv3, though it could be made to do so with the appropriate development 
time.  The other reason I never released it as a sourceforge project like 
I planned to was that I never got around to packaging the thing in a 
usable manner, i.e. never sat down to figure out the dark and arcane world 
of autoconf :)


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