[c-nsp] cisco 851

Peter Walker peter at grole.org
Fri Jun 22 05:51:21 EDT 2007

--On 21 June 2007 20:49 +0530 Aman Chugh <aman.chugh at gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
> I need to connect a Cisco 851 at remote location to the central
> office 2801 router connected to the internet


I am a little surprised that you sent a question to this list before 
looking at Cisco's support site.

If you looked at


	-> support
	 -> documentation
	  -> Networking technology documentation : Security and VPN
	   -> IPSec
	    -> Configuration examples and technotes

you would have found over 150 examples of how to configure VPNs 
involving cisco kit.  The section "IPSec on Router to Router" has a 
bunch of examples that might help.

> Is there any good
> document for creating site to site vpn between two locations,


> also
> what all features are available with 851 along with ios firewall
> and vpn, I do have a static ip from remote site ISP.


	-> products

... I think you get the idea




> Aman


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